Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rainbow Moon

frosty winter nights and stars.
for many nights the moon has had her own rainbow
 and i have wondered at the colors in the sky

the blue blue ! cobalt blue that sings so deeply in me
a teal like oceans in dreams
  sparkling waters, crystalline waters -
with distant gemstone pyramids

swimming in the stars to touch the rainbow moon

Isis' radiance comes from Ra's fire
 and Horus stirs the windchimes to signal his presence.

each god has two faces - one of day and one of night.
a sphere-being like all of us are. beyond the 3rd dimension into the light.
 radiance of earth, of water, of air, of fire.
  and thus is born the metal of long desire... the true philosopher's stone.

the colors i see here -

other colors - sweden
MattMattsonPhotography  The Moon's Corona

australia ... photo by Rob Studdart

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