Thursday, June 16, 2011

fitting the puzzle pieces

   I like puzzles. and it seems that my life itself is one.

   maybe that's even true for each of us, all of us.

like this picture from The Game of Heroes

so far i know that the outer world we see

with all the pain and the heartbreak

doesn't have any answers worth knowing.  
and the inner answers aren't easy to come by.
one of my answers is Light

 one is Truth  

..... to live truth requires integrity 
and I/we are so far from being and doing that as humans, no matter how we try.

so search then.
further in, 
higher up, 
further out... 
waaay beyond the earth, the solar system, the farthest reaches of this galaxy, out to the edges of infinity.
   as humans our furthest reach is 14.5 billion years out and that's not the end. 
or 11 dimensions ... and that's not yet proven
  ... some of those dimensions being closer than my own skin

then there is 'spooky action at a distance', the Einstein Podalsky Rosen experiment.  
two spin-paired electrons, when infinitely separated still respond as if there were no alteration of space.

  what IS the mind? 
anyone got a 'jar' of mind to show me?   
i can make a jar of colorado sunshine... line the jar with foil, and put on the lid ;) ... 
    course you can't ever look inside to see if it's there or not.  

    humans show mind to others in many ways: words on a page, music, art, dance, sports ... 

 .... and i digress.

the puzzle.  
 life is a puzzle, and for me? can't wholly be solved by looking outside myself.... 
inside myself are only a few more pieces, and answers.

more of the answers are found in that which is greater than myself

  in the Light  

and in the Living Water.

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