Thursday, January 6, 2011

nausea of the heart

to my surprise
living in earth2 has a price.
and it is not trivial.
the 3rd eye opens
and one must be ready - i warn you! - for what one sees
.3rd eye activation
ahhh, i need a manual .....
with directions through the maze newly discovered within,  where once lay ordered corridors.

can i, like perseus?
use the mirror of truth to protect me from the gorgons?

Hathor (Aphrodite) owns the mirror(s) of truth - reflecting the eyes' light to reveal the core of love so even narcissus shines.   unconditional love hurts.

do i, like jason, have a cord to lead me successfully out of the centre?  will there be a minotaur? what lies there deep within my own core?

then too, how does a woman transform from seeking the Hero to being her own?

that fierce warrior being seems lacking in me. must i don helmet and shield? forego the woman i am for protection in a contest i've never sought to enter?

athena is the mentor of heroes - and she is the owl of wisdom;
armour i already own.

sekhmet holds the fiery eye of Ra; power that is already mine

finally. there is the mystery.

i live in the house of Nephthys ; my home is in the heart of my own truth

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